I n f o r m a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g
IT :: Whatever, Whenever, Wherever ®
(559) 676-3434
Easy Payment Process
Click on Pay Invoice button on the Invoice.
Enter the requested information.
We DO NOT keep any Credit Card information on file!
Simple Billing Procedures
The BITWorks operates on Block Time invoicing. Block Time is sold as a pre-paid, non-refundable block of time wherein the client can utilize The BITWorks for any number of IT related services as they deem necessary. It is commonly used on projects of varying tasks and skill set requirements where the objectives are known but there has been no discovery so an estimate is unavailable. Does not include travel time.
Subscription services are recurring invoices that have specific items to be addressed and/or allow for the client to be prioritized for response. These are monthly billings and can be cancelled anytime without penalty. If cancellation is requested, the service will continue until the end of the current term (current month). Any services performed beyond the agreed upon hours per month will be billed separately. As long as the client pays the subscription invoice per the agreed upon terms, The BITWorks will honor the continuation of services at the subscription pricing.
Other services can be negotiated prior to work. Custom Services are only billed at a maximum of twenty (20) hours in advance so that neither party is overcommitted and accountability can be kept at a comfortable level for both parties. Custom Services usually has a designated deliverable or an assessment has been made and progress can be tracked by the client on a line item basis. An estimate of the time required to complete the project is made. Any variances will cause a "Stop Work" and are reported immediately to the responsible party for resolution before continuing.
No work is performed without the expressed consent of the party designated as the technical contact for the client; either by email or within the agreed upon terms stated in the invoice. Special cases apply whereby emergency remediation is required and client requests work to be performed via phone message or direct conversation with The BITWorks.
The BITWorks does not buy hardware for the client. We will research and recommend hardware and send internet links to the hardware required, if available. This is done so the the client retains warranty and return privileges with the vendor. As a service, we will purchase the equipment and arrange deliveries as needed using the client's billing information. This can remove potential for errors in ordering parts.
The BITWorks does not retain any of the client's information other than necessary passwords for accessing the client's systems or websites that require services to which were agreed. The client's data may be held in cloud services or locally to which the client retains full administrative rights in all cases. The BITWorks does not share any of the clients data with any vendor or sell the information to any service for any consideration.